Access Default Login Credentials

Note: If you are installing multiple VS4160-HCI systems, Quantum recommends that you record all IP information. In addition, you can download and print a copy of the blank Network IP Checklist to help you record your IP addresses.

Use the following login credentials and IP address for initial system startup.

Identifier Username/Password/Setting Description
Host Operating System (OS)/VNC Username admin  
Host OS Password admin This password can be changed using VS-Settings Menu option 0.
Host OS Management IP Address dhcp Double-click the VS-Info icon on Host OS desktop to see the actual IP address.
Default BMC1 (IPMI)2 Username ADMIN  
Default BMC Password Password is located on a label on the top-left front of the system This password can be changed using VS-Settings Menu option 5.
Default BMC IP Address This address can be changed using VS-Settings Menu option 5.

1BMC: Baseboard Management Controller - A specialized service processor that monitors the physical state of a computer, network server or other hardware device using sensors and communicating with the system administrator through an independent connection.

2IPMI: Intelligent Platform Management Interface - A set of computer interface specifications for an autonomous computer subsystem that provides management and monitoring capabilities independently of the host system's CPU, firmware (BIOS or UEFI) and operating system.